Getting ready was becoming a matter of expediency, to get dressed and out for an evening. The less time in meant more time out. I rushed about, by habit. It looked like Saturday, April 30th was going to be a repeat. But during my shower, I remembered why I crossdressed.
Originally, it was the feeling of the clothes, nylons, bra, and panties on my skin I loved. Then the 'look' became important. Next was going out dressed, especially in public. Passing. Straight venues. Each step brought a new rush of adrenalin, adding to experience. I realized I had become a little jaded with my dressing habits, and the frequency of the opportunities. The older (and fatter) I get, the less I dress. I decided to savor every moment of each dress-up, starting tonight
The application of foundation, powder, blush, eye liner, shadow and especially the eye-lashes and mascara took on a more sensual feeling. I slowly slipped into panties and tights, smoothing all out. Bending over in a corset is almost impossible, so I slipped the white Leggs pantyhose up first the left, then right leg all the way to the waist. Then I hooked the corset closed, which took on a submissive thrill (and a lot of breath), and filling the cups with my padding amplified the sensation. The turtle neck was wiggled into, and the spandex jumper pulled taught over the top. Step in to a nylon slip , and pull it up my silky legs . Next, slowly slipping my stocking clad feet into one, then the other boot, and zipping them up slowly, I had to take a pause and slow down my breathing. Select a wig from 5 choices, admiring the differences each one gives, retrying each after the lipstick is generously applied. Perfume, touched in many places for enhancing sensuality. I had started at 6pm, and was done by 8:30pm. The fingernails were next. I was shaking with excitement as I selected the nails and pressed them in place. Looking in the full-length mirror, I nearly swooned.
Quickly I set up the camera and tripod, snapping about 16 photos in 15 minutes. Just as I was packed up and ready to walk out the wife returns home (gone all day). She has me wait until she is finished in the bathroom. She asks me if the slip hanging out was a new style, so I fixed the problem. I left about 9:45pm, stopping at an ATM for spending money.
Traffic was in disarray with construction projects forcing detours everywhere. I arrived after ten pm at Gigi's. The lot wasn't crowded, and not a lot of people upstairs, It looked like a batchelorette party was downstairs (confirmed following the second show). I acknowledged many hello's, including Jacki, Jaye Marie, Steve, Sherry, Shelly (I'm surprised), Angela (TS),and staff Russ, Dave and Tony. Tracy was there, but just leaving to do the Noir Leather Hellbound pin-up night in Detroit. Bought a beverage, sat, watched and chatted with some, while dancing a few songs. Angela and Angel arrived, as did the lovely Kiki. Re-met Jennifer, and thought I saw Michele(undiscovered) as well. When I noticed the time, I worked my way to the door to call my friend at the bar she works at. She said I would be too late to make it there by last call, so I told her I would try next time. She sounded disappointed, but wanted to see the photos next week.. I went back in for a blow-job (the DRINK, you ninny!), and to say good-bye to those I know still there. It was a long journey home.
I stopped at the estate house on my way home. My son was away for the weekend, and it made for a different background setting. I took a lot of photos, and a short video, before packing up and leaving around 3:45am. Got home, undressed, took off the make-up and went to bed. There was nothing sensual about this at 4:3o am! The adrenalin didn't wear off until then. I left the nails on...
I don't know when my next outing is, but I'll post when I do know.
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