. . . and my dressing time is waning.
My youngest son got married in the beginning of May, and that meant being busy in April with wedding plans. Didn't get a chance to dress.
Now in May, I'm busy getting our boat ready for the sailing season. I had planned to go out on May 8th to Gigi's in Detroit. Earlier that day (I don't like scheduling events on my outing day, as something always goes awry), my wife and I went out for a Mother's Day meal with the newlyweds at a restaurant called the Red Coat Tavern. The meal was very good, and they had an excellent microbrew beer called 'Thelonius Monk' of which I had three (pints). The brew was 9% alcohol, and I was feeling little pain when we left. My wife wanted additional draft beer (against my better judgment), so I agreed as long as I would have time to get ready to go out. Two more draft pints later, we got home. By that time, I was pretty much wasted.
I had a strong urge to dress, but I had a serious coordination problem. The last time I was like that and went out dressed, I was stopped for DUIL. I still had a need to get dressed, so I did, but knew I wasn't going anywhere. It took me an hour to find my razor (my wife had relocated it) and get my first shave. Since I wasn't going to be in the public eye, I only shaved once. I also used some new make-up the wife bought herself for the wedding- foundation, powder, blush and mascara (no false eyelashes this time). I used my eye shadow, brow powder (I did not conceal my real eyebrows either) and eyeliner. When I applied my lipstick, I overshot my lower lip, and didn't bother to re-do it. I decided to wear a jumper and white knit long sleeved top both destined for the wash, and no waist cincher, and with black high heels and white pantyhose. I didn't bother with finger nails, since I was staying home. I was fully dressed by 10 PM, just in time for the Red Wings / Sharks playoff game.
The wife came home with her carry-out dinner just as I finished my preparations. We both watched the game, disappointed in the results (Red Wings lost, and were eliminated from the play-offs). Wifey stayed up for a few minutes cleaning up her after dinner, and went to bed. She had sat next to me for the whole game, and treated me as if I wasn't dressed (much to my surprise). She even kissed me good night (on the cheek, though)!
After she went to bed, I pulled out my camera, and began snapping pictures (self-timer), and taking a video or two before I began to tire, which was about 3:30 AM. I did an outfit change once, wearing just my Red Wings jersey, pantyhose and red high heels during the photo shoot (posted on my Flikr page). I put things away, checked my e-mail and Flickr page, and downloaded my camera cards to my PC while still dressed. I removed my clothes and make-up and was in bed by about 4:15 AM. When I viewed the photos I took later on Sunday, I was amazed by how well I looked! For a hurried, uncoordinated attempt at make-up, it didn't look too bad (for the camera).
I am hoping I can get one more opportunity to dress and go out to Gigi's on Saturday, May 22nd., before the boat gets launched and Memorial Day weekend's annual sail happens. Once summer is here, I will have precious little time to go out dressed. If I can't go out, I pray I will be able to find time to dress enfemme for short periods of time.
Thanks for reading my ramblings!
Huggs, Lisa D.
PS My wife now calls that wicked brew 'Felonius Monk'
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