Was Saturday, February 4.
Although I didn't get as early a start as I had planned, I still was mostly done with my transformation by 8:50pm, and left the house by 9:30pm, which is considerably earlier than normal. Earlier in the day I had picked out the outfit, purchased nails, and did some necessary grooming in preparation for the night. I was unable to find my (damaged) camera, so I borrowed my wife's. The wife took a few photos before I left, so I didn't have to deal with the tripod and single shot timer. I was going to wear a coat, but opted for a maroon sweater which I ended up wearing all night.
I arrived at Gigi's just before 10pm, also early for me. I was greeted by Russ, a real sweetheart, taking cover charges.There wasn't a large crowd, but there were many Gurls, out numbering the guys and gals. Ashley, Sherry, Leah, Angela, Tracy and the always gorgeous Candace May were there, as were other 'usual suspects'. Anton (aka The Impaler) was also there, and took some photos for me. I didn't see regulars Jaye Marie, Chrissy or Jackie, though. The bar filled up after the shows let out.
I danced a few songs (oldie type music) early, chatted with Anton, Candace, Ashley and Sherry (nee Debbie), and had some refreshments. I had planned to leave by 1:00am, but hung around till a quarter of two before saying my good-byes. I was home by 2:20am, no stopping for a late night snack.
Once back home,I set up the tripod and camera, and took a few photos before cleaning up and putting 'Lisa' away. I was in bed by 3:30am, again early for me (as of late).
I don't know when I will be out again, as our oldest son is moving back in with us. He doesn't know about 'Lisa', so I will have to be very discreet. The wife promised to cover for me some night, but I will have to get a motel room to change in.
It has been a long time since I did that. . .
Huggs to all,
Lisa D.