I did manage to dress again last Saturday. Even though there was an event (serving a meal at a homeless Veteran's shelter) earlier in the day, I managed to get home in time to start preparations for going out. I stopped on the way home to buy Kiss press-on fingernails. I picked up a set, and decided to look at the eyelashes. While perusing the selection, a (very gay) male customer thought I needed help- he asked what I needed. I told him long lashes were what the wife asked for. He pointed out a few saying "this is long, so are those, and these too. I thanked him for his help, and when he left for the check-out counter, I chose something different!
Once home, the usual shower, shave (twice-old skin!), and face preparation began. The make-up went well, considering my lack of practice. I knew what I wanted to wear (they should still fit), so the outfit was easy. I stood in front of the full length mirror and chose the best of three wigs to match the make-up and clothes. It was almost 8:00pm, and nearly ready to leave! The skirt I chose was the wrong one and really needed a belt, and only one belt I owned would look right AND fit. I searched for almost 45 minutes without success, and got pissed off. I settled for a metal belt, and I needed to blouse the top out over the skirt so it looked OK. By this time it was almost ten, and I had planned to take photos of me applying the fingernails, but I was running out of time. I had just finished the task and had set up the camera, when the wife returned from her shopping (she usually stays away while I dress, waiting for me to leave). I had to move her carryout dinner from the living room so I could take pictures. I figured out how to use the broken camera without the display screen working, and snapped a few photos before leaving (make-up always looks better just after application). I grabbed a coat and scooted out the door. Time- 10:20pm.
I got to Gigi's about 10:45, delayed by an accident on M-39 that closed all but one lane. Found a spot to park, paid the attendant and went inside. Paid the cover for both floors, but only went to the main (upper) bar. I said hello to Christie and Jacqui, who I haven't seen since May, and bought myself a beverage. Also chatted with Janet (of Janet's Closet fame), Tracy, Leah, and long time girlfriend Ashley. Anton (AKA The Impaler) and Gary came in a little after I did, and we talked for quite awhile. Lots of good looking T*s were there. I missed seeing Jay Marie by about 15 minutes! I didn't dance, since the boot heels were 3" ( I've had very little practice), and the music was for $#!t. Around 1am, a fight broke out between Janet and some drunk guy, which was quickly broken up by the staff. The drunk got the worst of it. I flirted a bit, talked to two other T*'s, and finally left by 2am (before the moment of truth- does your make-up still cut it).
I arrived home about 2:20am, and uploaded the earlier pictures to my PC. I took a few more photos, and decided to find the two wigs I had tried on before I left home, to see how they would have looked. Couldn't find them!!! I spent almost one and a half hours without luck, and around 4:15am I gave up trying. In the process, I DID find the belt, though. I was in bed by 5am or so, still with the nails in place.
While I had an excellent time out, and I did enjoy the transformation, I was thoroughly disgusted by my inability to find what I was looking for. I WILL be organizing my clothing and such before my next dressing time. My schedule for the remainder of the year precludes my dressing, so I won't be out until sometime in January, 2012. I have told my wife NOT to schedule all my weekends next year!!!
Huggs and happy Holidays to All.
Lisa D.