It seems my 'social secretary' had been doing a great job of scheduling my free weekend time since May, precluding my dressing and going out. Well, much to my wife's consternation, I finally got a chance to dress fully and go out on Saturday Nov. 12th, to Gigi's in Detroit.
I had planned to dress after finishing the boat cover Saturday afternoon, but since I did the work by myself, I was totally exhausted when I returned home after 5PM. The wife was just leaving for a fundraiser, and I wanted to wimp out. After about 1/2 hour of relaxing, I decided to take a shower, and see how I felt.
Feeling much more refreshed, I opted to dress at the very least. I shaved close just in case. It had been a long time since the last time, but the make-up routine went pretty well, considering. I wasn't in a big hurry (I didn't watch the clock), and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of transforming into 'Lisa' once again. Once my make-up was complete, I rummaged through my wardrobe for something that would fit AND look good. I also had to find a pair of flesh-colored tights that weren't too badly run (Danskin, which I haven't been able to find a replacement for). I wanted a short skirt, black tights and boots kind of look. The opaque black tights I chose covered the runs in the base pair of tights, but had a nasty habit of creeping down my backside! I also found a knit sweater I could pair with the pleated knit skirt I chose, but it was a bit small in the sleeve length, and the only top that wasn't in need of a wash. I pulled the boots on, grabbed a couple of wigs, and headed upstairs for a final critique in front of the full-length mirror. I selected the red and black shoulder length wig, brushed it in place, and went to find the fingernails.
I had forgotten to buy nails! The box I thought was full turned out to be used, with the larger nails already gone. I normally don't paint my own nails (too long to remove the polish completely), but I had no choice. I found some red nail polish that wasn't all dried up, and proceeded to polish my (very) short nails. I had to remove a lot of over-painting, but they would pass inspection in a dark bar. That complete, I grabbed my camera, placed on the tripod, and powered it up. The LCD display on the camera back was wacked! Just an irregular shaped black spot on a white background. I fooled around with it for what seemed like hours, but to no avail. It looked like there would be no photos of 'Lisa' that night! I gathered my purse, ID, ATM card and vehicle papers ( registration and proof of ins.), as well as cellphone, hairbrush, perfume and make-up repair kit, and headed out the door. It was 10:30pm...
I arrived at Gigi's in Detroit, and found the only open parking spot in the lot. Paid my fee to the attendant, and went inside. I paid the cover charge for both levels ( I didn't go to see the show), talked to Russ collecting the money, and continued to the main bar. I got a beverage, said hi to Dave and Tony behind the bar, saw Jaye Marie, Jennifer (who almost never goes to Gigi's), Chris, Marie and Cherie, Anton (aka The Impaler), Gary (out of drag) and a few others (whose names escape me). I talked with Jaye and Jennifer for a while, and then made my rounds. Angela came in, and I explained I couldn't take her (or any other) photos because of my defunct camera. She obliged me by taking two photos of me with her cellphone (which I haven't seen yet). I had given some thought of leaving early (it was 1:00am by this time) to visit my friend at her job at a str8 bar, but I hadn't talked with her for nearly 8 months, and wasn't sure she was still working there. The skirt I wore was hiked up above my waist to be short, but I could have pulled it down to the proper fit to be more respectable. I decided to stay at Gigi's.
At about 1:45, I decided I was getting too tired to stay any longer, so I packed up, said my good-byes and left. I did stop @ WC for a slider on the way. I arrived home around 2:15 am- the wife was asleep. I found her camera, changed memory cards, and placed it on the tripod. The self-timer had to be reset after each shot, so I didn't take too many photos. The neighborhood was quiet, so I took a couple of photos outside, including in the wife's car. At about 3:20am, I restored the camera to its original condition and placed back in her purse. I changed back, removed my make-up and headed to bed. I would remove the nail polish later Sunday.
Since I have been getting less and less chances to dress, I am enjoying the time I do spend dressing much more (like when I was 20). I would like to get out Nov. 26th, but a Hockey game may get in the way, so I'm also hoping I can get out on Dec. 3rd. We'll see what my 'secretary' has planned for me.
Huggs to all!
Lisa Dee