With all the hustle and bustle of life lately, I didn't think I'd get out any more this year! I was out 7 times in the spring (B4 boating season), and I've been out once in September and once in October (Halloween night). It wasn't looking good...
We have a full weekend schedule through Christmas, with 2 exceptions- The 4th. and 18th. I grabbed the opportunity on the 4th., as the wife was out Christmas shopping. I did my fingernail shopping early, and began my dressing prep work about 5PM. I had my outfit in mind, and being done with my make-up by 8PM, I expected be dressed and leave by 9PM. I hadn't counted on the fact I was unable to fit into the outfit planned (or just about any outfit I could think of). After much searching and try-ons, I settled on a favorite white blouse (Meijers), black stretch mini-skirt (Salvation Army Thrift Shop), black vest (K-Mart), black pantyhose, and black boots (Payless). I selected my "Manic Panic" red bob wig from Incognito over two other wig choices, to be different. I attached the Kiss One-step press-on nails, and was finally ready to leave around 10:15PM. I took a few photos, and left around 10:30PM.
I arrived at Gigi's, parked and went inside. I paid for both levels (never made it downstairs), checked my coat, and noted a few friends scattered about the bar. I chatted with Jaye Marie, Christie, g/f Laurie Beth, 'Debbie' (I forgot her NEW name), Jackie, and 3 regular admirers. I saw, but didn't converse with Mandy, Brandy, Kiki and Mistress Alicia. I bought a beverage and visited, did some dancing and a lot of gurl watching. I even went and tipped Tony behind the bar for being my savior on Halloween (see previous blog). At one point I snagged 'Cree', an admirer, to take a couple of photos of me while sitting on the speakers in Gigi's (above). I hung around until about 1:45AM, when the place began to empty out. A fight between 2 Lesbians broke out, and I chose to leave. I retrieved my coat , and on the way out of the parking lot I tipped the attendant (he's always so sweet), and made my way home.
I stopped at the W.C. near home on the way (about 2:00am), but they were slow as usual, so I opted to head straight home and get my photo session started. I have the camera's self-timer set to take 3 photos each press of the shutter release. I switched wigs to see what the other 2 choices would look like with the make-up and outfit. I filled one 1GB card, and took more on my 2GB card before quitting. I even took 2 videos, which will need to be edited (for both time and content). I just have to re-install the troublesome editing software first. I cleaned up, put things away, and uploaded the cards to my PC. I didn't eat before turning in, and I left my fingernails on until later. I was in bed by 4AM.
I will have to go through my clothes collection and launder and store what fits, and donate what I'll never be able to wear again. I am embarking on a diet (wrong season I think) and exercise program to salvage some of my wardrobe. With any kind of luck, I'll be out on the 18th.
A couple of people (including the 'shot' boy), asked me if I was having a good time.
I always have a good time when I dress and go out in public. I'm looking forward to the next opportunity to become en femme.
Lisa D.
PS I have more photos posted on my Flickr account...