Thursday, January 9, 2014
February 9, 2014
There have been no new updates to my dressing status since my last post. Our older son is still living at home with us since February of 2012, and as such, I have had no freedom to dress and go out. I did dress in September, and again in October, when he was working. I didn't use make-up, jewelry, or nails. Once the wife was home, and once she wasn't (until very late).
I am hoping one Saturday he works I may be able to dress and go out. That will take cooperation with the wife, and I will have to get a room somewhere to change back to male drab before returning home. I also have to see what I can still fit into!
Lisa D.
Friday, February 17, 2012
My last outing...

Was Saturday, February 4.
Although I didn't get as early a start as I had planned, I still was mostly done with my transformation by 8:50pm, and left the house by 9:30pm, which is considerably earlier than normal. Earlier in the day I had picked out the outfit, purchased nails, and did some necessary grooming in preparation for the night. I was unable to find my (damaged) camera, so I borrowed my wife's. The wife took a few photos before I left, so I didn't have to deal with the tripod and single shot timer. I was going to wear a coat, but opted for a maroon sweater which I ended up wearing all night.
I arrived at Gigi's just before 10pm, also early for me. I was greeted by Russ, a real sweetheart, taking cover charges.There wasn't a large crowd, but there were many Gurls, out numbering the guys and gals. Ashley, Sherry, Leah, Angela, Tracy and the always gorgeous Candace May were there, as were other 'usual suspects'. Anton (aka The Impaler) was also there, and took some photos for me. I didn't see regulars Jaye Marie, Chrissy or Jackie, though. The bar filled up after the shows let out.
I danced a few songs (oldie type music) early, chatted with Anton, Candace, Ashley and Sherry (nee Debbie), and had some refreshments. I had planned to leave by 1:00am, but hung around till a quarter of two before saying my good-byes. I was home by 2:20am, no stopping for a late night snack.
Once back home,I set up the tripod and camera, and took a few photos before cleaning up and putting 'Lisa' away. I was in bed by 3:30am, again early for me (as of late).
I don't know when I will be out again, as our oldest son is moving back in with us. He doesn't know about 'Lisa', so I will have to be very discreet. The wife promised to cover for me some night, but I will have to get a motel room to change in.
It has been a long time since I did that. . .
Huggs to all,
Lisa D.
going out,
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Saturday, Feb. 4th.
It looks good for dressing and going out tonight. Unless something comes up, I'll be going to my favorite venue, Gigi's Cabaret on W. Warren in Detroit. I hope to be there by 10pm, if I get started dressing early.
See you there?
Lisa D.
See you there?
Lisa D.
going out,
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Uh oh!

I had planned on going out on January 21st, but life conspired against me again! My desktop PC died the week before (could not post notices). On Jan. 19 I was in the process of building a new PC when I seriously cut the palm of my hand on the sharp inner pieces of the case. I did not want to get stitches, but my hand was reasonably unusable, and I would not be able to pull on pantyhose, fasten a bra or corset, put on boots, etc.
The hand is healing nicely, but I don't have time this weekend to go out. Things have gotten complicated with our older son as well, and he may have to move back in with us for 90 days or so. That will ruin any attempt for me to dress until after he moves back out. I'm trying to manipulate his moving in around one more outing Saturday, Feb. 4th. He will be moving back out around the time we launch our boat for the summer, which has always signaled the end of my dressing season. Because of this, I may try to wangle a night or two during the summer for outings. The weather (and wife) will determine when I am available.
If I'm unable get out, I will probably post some old photos of myself on Flickr to keep my pages from becoming stale.
The photo above was taken after my last outing to Gigi's in Detroit. I was fooling around with some lingerie, wigs and variations in the outfit I wore out that night. I took over 240 photos that night!
Lisa Dee
Out dressed,
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Happy New Year!

Looks like I started the year off right for a change! My plans to get dressed and go out on the 7th. started off as I had planned- School Girl outfit chosen and ready, make-up available, and wigs found. All I needed were my Kiss stick-on fingernails, which I planned to pick up after breakfast. Well,we didn't go for breakfast until 3:30pm, so I was late. Bought the nails, and we stopped for a drink at our favorite watering hole per my wife's request. It was after 5pm before I was dropped off at home to start my transformation process.
I took a long shower, carefully shaved (twice), trimmed fingernails and toenails, and began the make-up. I was just finishing up when the football game started. I caught bits and pieces of the game in my travels between the bathroom and my dressing area. I tried to wear the outfit without wearing a foundation garment, but things were too tight. I added a corset which made things a bit easier. I also opted to wear only my compression tights with the socks I chose. I had 4 or 5 choices, but settled on my white nylon calf length socks. I selected my short redhead wig and made for the fingernails. By the time I was ready, the wife returned home with her carryout dinner and sat in the living room where I wanted to take pre-departure photos. I rearranged some things, set up the tripod and began shooting photos while the wife watched the end of the game and ate her dinner. It was 11:00pm when I finished, and left the house. I stopped at the ATM on my way to Gigi's.
Since I was sooo late, there was an opening in the free parking area near the street, which I took. Once inside Gigi's, I paid the cover for both levels (didn't get to see the show, AGAIN) and headed for the bar. I purchased a beverage, and did some socializing. Anton (aka the Impaler) and Gary were there, as well as other regulars, like Ashley (last month's kissing bandit victim), Leah, the fabulous Tracy, and a tall vixen (who's name escapes me). Angel was there with a GG friend, so I took photos of her (she is always such a camera whore), It looked like she was having too much fun, and dropped a drink on the floor, breaking the glass. Angel and her companion left shortly thereafter. I was late enough that many regulars had already left, and there was also the low attendance due to the Lions game. I flirted some, and swapped stories with Ashley, Leah and one of the nicer admirers. Some of the Latin contingent 'on the make' arrived, helping to increase the crowd size. Once the show downstairs ended, the place filled right up, with a group of GG's included. All the ladies were dressed in some sort of club wear, and were very Hott! I stayed right up until the 'Moment of Truth' (when the flourescent lights come on, and you find out if your make-up still cuts it!), and left for home.
I didn't stop for a snack, and arrived home around 2:45 am. My wife had left me an egg roll from her dinner, which I devoured. I moved the photos from the first part of the evening to my PC's HDD. I then assembled the camera to the tripod, fumbled to start the self-timer, and started shooting photos. I tried on different wigs (3 total), three different pairs of socks and two pairs of shoes. The camera started to shut itself off, so I emptied the card again, noting 190 photos taken! I put fresh batteries back in the camera and shot another 49 photos before I ran out of ideas and energy.
I put everything away except the purse, and removed my clothes, and took off most of the make-up. I left the nails on to be removed later that Sunday. My wife noted my after 5 arrival to bed.
I really had a great time- the dressing was most enjoyable, and the outing to Gigi's really capped the night. Some of the photos I took are now appearing on my Flickr pages (miss_lisa_dee). Thanks to all who were there, and I hope next time there will be more people to meet and greet. I'm also hoping to dress at least twice a month till boating season begins.
Lisa D.
going out,
mary janes,
Out dressed,
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Target for tonight: Gigi's!
Yes, friends, I AM getting out tonight (1/6) for my first outing of the year 2012!
With any kind of luck, I may even leave the house early. I've decided on my schoolgirl outfit (I found the wigs I misplaced in December), washed the blouse, tried on the skirt, cleaned the shoes, found leg wear and I'm going for the fingernails shortly. I have enough make-up, and I have a backup outfit ready, just in case!
Although our Detroit Lions are playing, and many won't be out (I suspect), I'm still going. I'll be able to keep up with the football game on the TV screens at Gigi's.
If you see me, stop me and say hello!
Lisa D.
With any kind of luck, I may even leave the house early. I've decided on my schoolgirl outfit (I found the wigs I misplaced in December), washed the blouse, tried on the skirt, cleaned the shoes, found leg wear and I'm going for the fingernails shortly. I have enough make-up, and I have a backup outfit ready, just in case!
Although our Detroit Lions are playing, and many won't be out (I suspect), I'm still going. I'll be able to keep up with the football game on the TV screens at Gigi's.
If you see me, stop me and say hello!
Lisa D.
going out,
Out dressed,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
December 3, 2012

I did manage to dress again last Saturday. Even though there was an event (serving a meal at a homeless Veteran's shelter) earlier in the day, I managed to get home in time to start preparations for going out. I stopped on the way home to buy Kiss press-on fingernails. I picked up a set, and decided to look at the eyelashes. While perusing the selection, a (very gay) male customer thought I needed help- he asked what I needed. I told him long lashes were what the wife asked for. He pointed out a few saying "this is long, so are those, and these too. I thanked him for his help, and when he left for the check-out counter, I chose something different!
Once home, the usual shower, shave (twice-old skin!), and face preparation began. The make-up went well, considering my lack of practice. I knew what I wanted to wear (they should still fit), so the outfit was easy. I stood in front of the full length mirror and chose the best of three wigs to match the make-up and clothes. It was almost 8:00pm, and nearly ready to leave! The skirt I chose was the wrong one and really needed a belt, and only one belt I owned would look right AND fit. I searched for almost 45 minutes without success, and got pissed off. I settled for a metal belt, and I needed to blouse the top out over the skirt so it looked OK. By this time it was almost ten, and I had planned to take photos of me applying the fingernails, but I was running out of time. I had just finished the task and had set up the camera, when the wife returned from her shopping (she usually stays away while I dress, waiting for me to leave). I had to move her carryout dinner from the living room so I could take pictures. I figured out how to use the broken camera without the display screen working, and snapped a few photos before leaving (make-up always looks better just after application). I grabbed a coat and scooted out the door. Time- 10:20pm.
I got to Gigi's about 10:45, delayed by an accident on M-39 that closed all but one lane. Found a spot to park, paid the attendant and went inside. Paid the cover for both floors, but only went to the main (upper) bar. I said hello to Christie and Jacqui, who I haven't seen since May, and bought myself a beverage. Also chatted with Janet (of Janet's Closet fame), Tracy, Leah, and long time girlfriend Ashley. Anton (AKA The Impaler) and Gary came in a little after I did, and we talked for quite awhile. Lots of good looking T*s were there. I missed seeing Jay Marie by about 15 minutes! I didn't dance, since the boot heels were 3" ( I've had very little practice), and the music was for $#!t. Around 1am, a fight broke out between Janet and some drunk guy, which was quickly broken up by the staff. The drunk got the worst of it. I flirted a bit, talked to two other T*'s, and finally left by 2am (before the moment of truth- does your make-up still cut it).
I arrived home about 2:20am, and uploaded the earlier pictures to my PC. I took a few more photos, and decided to find the two wigs I had tried on before I left home, to see how they would have looked. Couldn't find them!!! I spent almost one and a half hours without luck, and around 4:15am I gave up trying. In the process, I DID find the belt, though. I was in bed by 5am or so, still with the nails in place.
While I had an excellent time out, and I did enjoy the transformation, I was thoroughly disgusted by my inability to find what I was looking for. I WILL be organizing my clothing and such before my next dressing time. My schedule for the remainder of the year precludes my dressing, so I won't be out until sometime in January, 2012. I have told my wife NOT to schedule all my weekends next year!!!
Huggs and happy Holidays to All.
Lisa D.
going out,
high heels,
Out dressed,
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