Well, after 5 years of not going out dressed at Halloween, I finally got a chance Sunday. The wife has insisted we attend friends and organizations Halloween parties, which left Lisa out. This year however, all the parties skipped the 31st., so I seized the opportunity!
We went out Saturday night, and partied till well after 1am, leaving me tired and a little tipsy. Sunday, the wife took our kids out for dinner, leaving me home alone to dress. I shopped for pantyhose and fingernails around 6pm, but by the time I got home, I wasn't feeling too well. I almost gave up. After a little while, I started my preparation, knowing I could always stay home, or go to bed. After shaving and starting with the make-up, the old desires came back and urged me on. The make-up was the easy part- the dress I was to wear required my corset, and a lot of work to get into. Since the dress was form fitting, I added some hip and butt padding to amplify the corset's effect. I opted for a different wig and boots than I had planned on. I was ready by 9:45pm to leave, and had the wife take a couple of photos on my way out. I was nearly to Gigi's when I realized I hadn't taken my house keys or my cell phone with me!
Once I parked and paid my admission fee, I looked for a payphone, forgetting the Phone Company got out of the payphone business. I explained my dilemma to Tony behind the bar, and he took me to the kitchen and showed me their business phone. What a Doll! I called the wife, and made arrangements for access when I returned home. Feeling somewhat better, I bought a beverage and wandered around, eying costumes. There weren't a lot of people there, but most wore some kind of costume. There were a lot of GG's there, mostly arm in arm. They had taken out the bar stools along the one counter (to make room for the crowd they expected), and since I wasn't going to stand for 3 hours or more, I grabbed a seat at the end of the bar next to the dance floor. It wasn't long before the place filled up. I had turned around in the seat to look at the crowd, which garnered me a lot of bumps and banging of the knees. One particular young boy was indifferent to barging his way past me (and others at the bar) numerous times- I nearly stood up and punched him!
There was a mini-show with the new Gigi's title holders, M/C'd by Nickki Stevens, dancing and the costume contest followed at midnight (I didn't enter). It was so packed I had to stand up on the stool's rungs to see anything going on. There were many girls and guys dressed up as the opposite sex, traditional Halloween costumes and some far-out ones as well. I noticed few of the regular Saturday T*'s in attendance. Once the contest was over, awards given, and photo ops done, the crowd dissipated quickly. I moved to the far end of the bar to visit with G/F Leah, and had a couple of photos taken with her (she was dressed as a "White Russian"). With my corset on, I wasn't able to consume more than one beverage, so I was going to leave early. When I noticed the time (1:40am), I made my rounds to say goodbye to those I know. An Angela I know was wearing her coat, so I hadn't noticed she was also in a StarTrek outfit- great minds think alike...
I left by 1:50am, and headed straight home, obeying all laws (the Police were out in force), and arrived home by 2:10am. I took a couple of dozen photos, but didn't go outside for any. I uploaded the photos to my PC, took off the clothes and make-up, and cleaned up my 'photo studio'. I was in bed by 3:30am.
It was a pretty good time, considering I was uncomfortable feeling all night. I loved being out on Halloween again, and got a lot of compliments on my 'costume'. There were a few men who tried to pick me up, but I'm not that kind of gal. Besides, they were drunk and their breath really stunk! I'm hoping to go out again on the 16th., because I don't think the wife will let me out two weeks in a row, and the 6th is time change weekend.
See other photos on my Flickr pages...
Lisa D.